Mission and Values
By building deep and lasting patient relationships, my mission is to help those in my care become their healthiest selves. My practice advances this mission through expert medical care, integrated nutrition and wellness coaching, a supportive community, and exceptional patient access.
Why Concierge Care?
Relationships are as important to your health as treatment.
My father is an old-fashioned GP in Mississippi. As a child, I often followed him on house calls to patients. Even at a young age, it was obvious to me the relationships he built with his patients was every bit as important to their care as the treatment he prescribed. This early experince inspired me deeply and is central to why I am a practicing physician today.
I have chosen to slow down.
With my concierge practice, I have chosen to slow down from the frantic pace set by the modern healthcare system. I hace chosen to build deeper relationships, to get to know each patient as the whole patient. I have seized an opportunity to return to a time when patients and doctors were in greater control, much the way medicine was practiced 40 years ago.
I value connection deeply about life’s important moments.
With the time and space to discuss life’s important moments, we can expand beyone the immediacy of sysmptoms, diagnoses, and treatments to big-picture health. Urgent care and hospitalizations leave patients at their most vulnerable, and I meet and treat patients not only during routine visits but also under duress.
Patients deserve patience.
My practice offers all the advantages of modern medicine within a model that hearkens back to the accessibility of another time, when doctors made house calls and patients could contact us when concern peaked. By creating a practice based on greater access to me, I can care thoughtfully for each patient – and make a lasting difference on his or her life.
The Fruits of Wellness
Modern medicine is remarkable and, of course, plays a cruitial role in helping us get – and stay – healthy. It’s important to remember, though, that health is not merely a lack of disease. It is a comprehensive approach to living intentionally, a commitment to applying what I call the “Fruits of Wellness” to everyday living. When we incorporate Love, Joy, Compassion, Humility, Patience, Forgiveness, Faithfullness, and Self-Control into all areas of our lives, we become more fit, healthy, and impactful. My relationship with patients, my commitment to practice, and my approach to my own life are all rooted in these “Fruits of Wellness”.