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People make dieting too complicated!  Everybody thinks that the key to weight loss is removing  “bad foods” from your diet.  Nobody seems to agree which foods are bad, however.  The secret is not to ostracize foods but diversify.

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Here is a sample of our modern diets:  the junk food diet, Western diet, Fruitarian diet, lLcto vegetarian diet, Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, vegan diet, Flexitarian diet, Kangatarian diet, Pescetarian diet, intermittent fasting, cookie diet, Hackers diet, Nutrisystem diet, Body for Life diet, Wait Watcher’s diet, Breatharian diet, KE diet, Atkins diet, Dukan diet, ITG diet, South Beach Diet, McDougall’s starch diet, Cabbage soup diet, Grapefruit diet, Israeli Army diet, Beverly Hills Diet, Subway diet, Watermelon diet, Master cleanse detox diet, Juice fasting diet, DASH diet, elemental diet, Gluten-free diet, Elimination diet, Diabetic diet, Colon Cancer diet, Best Bet diet, Ketogenic diet, Liquid diet, Koscher diet, I-tal diet, Alkaline diet, Blood type diet, Eat-clean diet, Fit for Life diet, Gerson therapy diet, Graham diet, Hay diet, High-protein diet, Inuit diet, Jenny Craig diet, Low carbon diet, Lacavore diet, Mediterranean diet, Okinawa diet, Macrobiet diet, and Paleolithic diet.

I could continue, but you probably stopped reading after the first three.  How did our less enlightened ancestors ever survive without all of our modern nutritional wisdom?  Not only did they survive, but somehow they thrived.  Go back to a basic program that has worked since the beginning of time.


Simple 2 Step Healthy Diet

1.  Diversify
Dieting in much like long-term investing for the average guy.  The average Joe that tries to beat the market fails. He has a revelation that commodities are going to make him rich.  He buys commodities.   They start to drop in value so he sells and buys bonds based on a hot tip.  He chases the quick reward, but finds himself buying high and selling low.

The quick rich strategy leads to failure!  They answer is to intelligently diversify your portfolio and commit to investing consistently for the long haul.  Have a long-term perspective.

Dieting works the same way. Diversify your diet with foods from all the major food groups.  Our bodies have constantly changing macronutrient and micronutrient needs.  We fool ourselves if we think we can pick and choose, limit and restrict without adversely affecting our body’s performance.

1/2 your plate should be fruits and vegetables.  We need all the different colored fruits and vegetables.  Pick 2 or 3 colors for one meal and eat different colors the next.  1/4 of your plate can be a starchy carbohydrate (breads, pastas, rices, potatoes, and corn.)  Whole grain breads and pastas are best.  1/4 of your plate should be a lean protein source such as fish, chicken, or lean read meat.

2.  Portion-control –

I read an interesting story of a woman that loved to buy antiques.  One day while shopping she found a set of antique salad plates that she wanted to buy.  She needed more plates than what was displayed so she asked the clerk if they had more.  He responded, “Those are dinner plates not salad plates.”  She then asked, “Well, do you have any platters that I can use for dinner plates?”

She missed the point!

The 12 inch platters we use as plates are too large.  Put those in long-term storage, sell them, or give them away.  Use 9 inch plates.  Make healthy portion sizes easy.

Simple enough?

People often ask me to share my personal diet.  It is based on the “Diversify / Portion-control” principle.

My Personal Diet

Breakfast – Protein shake (A mixture of protein and carbohydrates)

Snack – Fruit plus a protein drink (pure whey protein only)

Lunch – Diversified / portion-controlled meal

Snack – Fruit plus a protein drink

Dinner – Diversified / portion-controlled meal

If I want to lose weight, I don’t change what I eat or when I eat.  I simply reduce portions slightly.  If I still don’t lose weight after a week or two, I reduce my portions slightly more.  I never make large changes.  When I find the portion size that works, I stay on it until I reach my goal.

It is also important to know that I do not deprive myself of anything.  My daughter and I have a Blizzard once a week.  Since my diet is healthy the majority of the time an occasional splurge causes not harm.

Everybody is looking for the “magic diet.”  I does not exist.  Until you accept that, you will never succeed.  Stop looking for the easy answer.  Put these principles into action and see results.

Heres to the Journey!