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Why Our Children Are Obese And How to Help Them

1 in 3 children is either overweight or obese.  A child who is overweight or obese is 10x’s more likely to be over weight or obese as an adult. We all want the children in our lives to be happy and healthy, but a recent WebMD Sanford Health survey found that parents...

How to Determine Your Ideal Body Weight

Ideal body weight is a tricky topic to discuss and define.  If your weight is higher than ideal but a large portion of your weight is muscle, is that a problem?  No.  Is there a way to determine ideal body weight?  Is weight even the best metric to follow ? The 3 most...

Who are Your Birds?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with?”  What about, “Birds of a feather flock together?” Some of the best advice my parents gave me, and I passed on to my children, was to choose your friends wisely. Even if...

7 Proven Diet Tips

Drink 1 glass of water before eating you meal.  One study found that those who sipped 2 cups of tap water 30 minutes before their main meals lost an average of about 3 pounds more weight over a 12-week period than those who were simply advised to visualize having a...

Tick Tock. Your Clock is Ticking.

The average lifespan of an American male is 79 years and an American female is 81 years.  I am halfway through my 48th year on this earth.  There are approximately 260 working days in a year.  Assuming my health holds out and I am able to contribute to society until I...