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Why Belly Fat is a Health Risk and How to Lose It

Myth #1 – To lose belly fat you must exercise the abdominal muscles. Patients still proudly tell me they do crunches to lose belly fat.  Exercising the abdominal muscles with crunches, sit ups, and oblique twists does not target belly fat. Myth #2 – Only...

2 Step Simple Healthy Diet

People make dieting too complicated!  Everybody thinks that the key to weight loss is removing  “bad foods” from your diet.  Nobody seems to agree which foods are bad, however.  The secret is not to ostracize foods but diversify. [featured-image...

16 Tips for a Restful Night

As we steel hours from our sleep to do “more productive tasks,” we assume that those lost hours of sleep will have no detrimental effect.  Truth – Sleep deprivation has numerous repercussions. [featured-image single_newwindow=“false”] I learned...