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Revitalizing Your Marriage (Principle 1 of 7)

Revitalizing Your Marriage (Principle 1 of 7)

How a couple argues is the biggest predictor of marriage longevity.  See…ge-is-in-trouble/ .  How you engage your spouse when you are not fighting is the key to repairing and divorce proofing your marriage.  In the next...
8 Predictors That a Marriage is in Trouble

8 Predictors That a Marriage is in Trouble

Many people believe that in order to have a happy marriage you need to prevent or avoid arguments.  Arguing is not the problem.  Even couples in healthy marriages argue.  How you argue is the real issue. Harsh start up  – The argument immediately becomes...
Exercise The Magic Key

Exercise The Magic Key

We all want to be live a successful life but most of us struggle with realizing our potential.  We flail about with no real purpose.  We fail to intentionally design our life and following through with our plan.  Exercise is a key component to living life by design....
Tropical Chicken Salad

Tropical Chicken Salad

  [guestpost]This is a guest post by Chelsea Marquez.  She is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian in Texas with a Master’s degree in Nutrition and 5 years of experience working with the adult and geriatric population. You can follow her on her blog at...