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What Are Your Struggles?

Taking my own advice, I am trying to listen first.  I would like to know what you guys are struggling with.  Send me a comment or email.  I really want to know.  I’ll bet that if you are struggling with something there a lot more people like you who are looking...
Listen to Understand

Listen to Understand

Commit to be consistently kind.  If you are hot then cold or caustic then kind people will have a hard time trusting you.  Commit to consistently making deposits into people’s Emotional bank – doing and saying kind things.  10% of our communication is by our...
Biggest Influence On What Your Eat

Biggest Influence On What Your Eat

What do you think is your biggest food influence? Many of us think that we are the master of our own fate, and we are to some degree. We have the ultimate power to decide what we eat, but most of us realize that habits, genetics, mood and other factors affect our food...

Love Who You Are Today

The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight.  About 21% make this resolution.  By the end of the first month most have given up.  If you are overweight then losing weight should be one of your goals, but remember your weight does not define who you...


How do dreams and visions differ from goals?  Dreams and visions are things that we want to obtain or accomplish but have no specific path to accomplish them.  Goals are Dreams and Visions for which we have written concrete steps that will make them become reality....