by Dr. David | Jul 11, 2016 | Cardiology/Heart
Replace Processed Foods with Whole Foods. Processed foods are ubiquitous. Most prepackaged baked goods such as cakes, cookies, cupcakes, brownies are highly processed. Processed meats like hot dogs, cold cuts, sausages and bacon are also problematic. Frozen...
by Dr. David | Jan 22, 2016 | Cardiology/Heart, Exercise, Nutrition
Congestive Heart Failure patients often have limited exercise capacity even making movements for everyday living a struggle. Medications may help but often the effects are limited. In a study published in the January 5, 2016 edition of JAMA, a study found that...
by Dr. David | Dec 15, 2015 | Cardiology/Heart, Mental Health / Psychology, Neurology/brain/nerves
Recently a study of over 138,000 participants looked to see if high stress jobs increase our risk for strokes. The study followed these middle-aged adults for approximately 10 years. Job Strain was categorized into 4 groups as follows: High Strain (High demand, low...
by Dr. David | Dec 2, 2015 | Cardiology/Heart, Endocrinology/Hormones, Mental Health / Psychology
Management of Testosterone Deficiency remains extremely controversial. A recent Canadian task force reviewed all the literature available on the topic from 1/09 – 4/14. This is the best review of testosterone supplementation that I have found. A...
by Dr. David | Nov 28, 2015 | Cardiology/Heart, General Medicine
Waist-to-Hip ratio appears to be a better predictor of Cardiovascular risk than BMI. Men with waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) ≥0.90 and women with WHR ≥0.85 were considered to be centrally obese. A person with a normal BMI and central obesity had a higher mortality...
by Dr. David | Nov 24, 2015 | Cardiology/Heart, Mental Health / Psychology
One of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction is vascular disease. This same disease process that causes heart attacks can also lead to ED. An interesting study presented to the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions 2014 and published in The...