by Dr. David | Dec 15, 2015 | General Medicine
Should I get or should I not get the flu vaccine is often the question. Even if the vaccine is less than ideal, it still will decrease the severity of the flu. The question then becomes, which vaccine should I get, the Trivalent or the Quadrivalent? The...
by Dr. David | Nov 28, 2015 | Cardiology/Heart, General Medicine
Waist-to-Hip ratio appears to be a better predictor of Cardiovascular risk than BMI. Men with waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) ≥0.90 and women with WHR ≥0.85 were considered to be centrally obese. A person with a normal BMI and central obesity had a higher mortality...
by Dr. David | Nov 26, 2015 | General Medicine, Nutrition
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the Obesity Society meet for a week to combine forces and share recent gains in the study of Obesity treatment. Below are the 8 science-based tips from the 2015 meeting and a few of my own thoughts....
by Dr. David | Nov 19, 2015 | Endocrinology/Hormones, General Medicine
When the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, it needs to produce more insulin to keep blood sugar stable. This can lead to Diabetes, Type 2. Unfortunately Diabetes is associated with many disorders including heart disease. One night of sleep...
by Dr. David | Nov 14, 2015 | General Medicine
Ok so we in Medicine like to make things as confusing as possible, so let’s see if we can simply the new Pneumonia vaccine recommendations for adults. There are two vaccines the Pneumvax 23 and the Prevnar 13 vaccine. Prevnar 13 covers one...
by Dr. David | Nov 10, 2015 | General Medicine
Screeing for prostate cancer has been controversial but the the fact is that the incidence of Prostate Cancer presenting as metastatic disease has declined 50% since 1988, suggesting that PSA’s have effectively identified prostate tumors destined...