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“Regular consumption of coffee was inversely associated with risk of total mortality, and mortality due to cardiovascular disease and neurological disease.”  What does that mean?  Coffee drinking, at least in this study, showed a protective affect against dying from heart attacks and Neurologic disorders such as dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Strokes.  The positive effects were more pronounced in people <70 and people who had never smoked.  Be careful how you use this information, however.  The study design was an observational trial which can not show direct cause and effect.  Other studies have shown that acute consumption of caffeine can increase blood pressure and could have an adverse effect on the endothelium, or lining of our arteries where plaques build up and cause coronary artery disease.  Keep in mind this is one study and as with most things moderation is the key.

Circulation 11/10/15


Here’s to the Journey!


(David W. Ball, MD, an Internal Medicine physician,  founder of NuVitality Health – a wellness education company, and co-founder of Life Changing Fitness  – a fitness facility for Every Body)