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Some thoughts and challenges for the week.

These thoughts today stand in contrast to the more academic thoughts presented recently on my blog, but wellness encompasses our entire being.  Jesus said that our faith should be like that of a child.  Much can be learned from that simple comparison.

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“Children have an innate monstrous curiosity that leads to endless questions.”  This can lead to frustrated parents at times, yet “at night children fall asleep secure in the knowledge that their parents’ love is larger than all their questions.  I suspect our Heavenly Father is the same.  Our simple questions are no threat to His love.”

“Our questions may chase everyone else away, but they attract Jesus.  We may be stuck with our questions, but we are also stuck with Jesus.  If our questions leave us alone with Jesus, then lonely isn’t a bad place to be.”

Remember back to when you colored as a child. The colors were not perfectly matched, and you often colored outside the lines.  “God’s grace is so outside the lines of our understanding that we can only stand in awe and wonder.  Christianity in not about learning how to live within the lines; Christianity is about the how of coloring.”

“When you love outside the lines, you start living outside the lines.”

Dangerous Wonder by Michael Yaconelli


Here’s to the Journey!

(David W. Ball, MD, an Internal Medicine physician, founder of NuVitality Health – a wellness education company, and co-founder of Life Changing Fitness – a fitness facility for Every Body)