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Replace Processed Foods with Whole Foods.

Processed foods are ubiquitous.  Most prepackaged baked goods such as cakes, cookies, cupcakes, brownies are highly processed.  Processed meats like hot dogs, cold cuts, sausages and bacon are also problematic.  Frozen preprepared dinners contain a lot of preservatives as well.

Foods that have little nutritional value such as doughnuts and french fries may help with short-term satiety, but shortly after eating them your hunger will return.  Instead of eating prepackaged processed foods, eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.  Eat more vegetables and fruits.  Seasonal fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and complex carbohydrates.  Eggs, chicken, turkey, lean red meat, fish, soybeans, quinoa are all complete proteins.  They contain all the essential amino acids your body can not make.  Cold water fish, like tuna and salmon, along with nuts and seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Eating a balance of whole foods will stabilize your energy level and your appetite while helping you maintain your calorie deficit for weight loss.


Here’s to the Journey!