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The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight.  About 21% make this resolution.  By the end of the first month most have given up.  If you are overweight then losing weight should be one of your goals, but remember your weight does not define who you are.  Especially for women, but now for men as well, there are growing pressures to have an ideal physique.  The majority of “covergirl” photos are of underweight models projecting an unhealthy image.  I recently diagnosed a close friend with ALS.  It has been difficult to watch the disease take its toll on a once strong and vibrant man.  I suspect an ideal “cover model” physique is the least of his wishes now.  I want to help you live a healthy life and that means I want you have a healthy image of yourself as well.  Take a moment and pause when you when you start to beat yourself up mentally for not achieving the “perfect body.”


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  1.  Strive for a better you but love the person you are today.  Treat yourself with the same respect that you want others to have for you.
  2. Focus on a part of your body that you like now.  It may be the shape of your nose or the color of your eyes.
  3. Intentionally walk with your head held high and your shoulders held back.  Data shows that people who take on a more assertive posture have more confidence than those that keep a slouched submissive posture.  (Unfortunately my aunt who always told me to hold my shoulders back was right, but not for the reason she thought!)
  4. Don’t delay doing special things until you reach a magic weight.  Take that vacation.  Go to that concert.  Ride in that hot air balloon.  Live life now for there is no guarantee there will be a tomorrow.
  5. Ask yourself these following questions to remind yourself of why your body deserves love and appreciation.  (My friend with ALS serves as a reminder.)
    1. Do your feet take you where you want to go?
    2. Does your tongue allow you to talk with your friends?
    3. Do your eyes allow you to see the people you love?
    4. Do your ears allow you to hear laughter and music?
    5. Do all your senses fill your life with beauty and wonder?

Give thanks for the wonderful gift we call life.  While on your journey to the more fit version of you, enjoy the pleasures of the one you have today!


Here’s to the Journey!


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(David W. Ball, MD, an Internal Medicine physician, founder of NuVitality Health – a wellness education company, and co-founder of Life Changing Fitness – a fitness facility for Every Body)