- Be Bold – Write down the problem and attack what needs to be done to fix it.
- At least once a week do something that you have never done.
- Tip people for showing extra enthusiasm like the friendly cashier. I have a friend that even tips her trash man. She also gives him Christmas gifts.
- He that walks with wisemen shall be wise.
- No excuses – There is no reason why I can not do what I am gifted to do when using my strengths – Matthew 19:26, “… For with God all things are possible.”
- Write a sentence announcing the completion of a upcoming goal with a completion date – repeat to yourself every morning and evening. It becomes reality twice – you create it first in your brain then physically.
- The difference between trying and doing – trying is not doing anything.
- What would have to be true for you to accomplish one of your goals – Write down an achievement and plan backward.
- People that watch less TV are more accurate judges of life’s risks and rewards.
Here’s to the Journey!
(David W. Ball, MD, an Internal Medicine physician, founder of NuVitality Health – a wellness education company, and co-founder of Life Changing Fitness – a fitness facility for Every Body)