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Want to make Changes?  Start small and stay consistent.  One of the reasons that people fail to succeed at making changes, especially when it comes to  weight loss and fitness goals,  is that they overestimate their ability to change.  We finally get motivated to do something so we jump in with all the will power we can generate.  More is always better right? What happens?  We burn out shortly after we start.


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Pick changes with your diet or exercise plan that you know you can do on a daily basis.  Concentrate on things you know you can do even when motivation is low.  Try to pick activities that you think will have the biggest impact on your ultimate goal and work on those first.  As an example, if you are trying to lose weight and among other things you drink 4-5 sodas daily,  start by switching to diet sodas or reduce your soda intake to 2-3 a day.  It doesn’t have to be hard.  It just has to be doable.  Consistency itself is a positive result !!!!  Ask yourself how likely are you to maintain this habit on a scale of 1-10.  If < 9 make it easier.


Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change.  It is the realization that we can change.


Make change easier.


Do you want to feel more energetic and feel like the younger version of you?  Are you frustrated with your inability to reach your Weight or Fitness goal? Call us at Life Changing Fitness, 903-630-7497.  As well as having a full service gym, we do online fitness and nutrition evaluations, wellness program design, and online coaching.  We can serve you no matter where you are.

Here’s to the Journey!


(David W. Ball, MD, an Internal Medicine physician, founder of NuVitality Health – a wellness education company, and co-founder of Life Changing Fitness – a fitness facility for Every Body)