Delight in Becoming Child Like
"Life is tough. It takes up much of your time, all your weekends, and what do you get in the end of it? I think that the life cycle is all backward. You should die first, get that out of the way. Then live twenty...
"Life is tough. It takes up much of your time, all your weekends, and what do you get in the end of it? I think that the life cycle is all backward. You should die first, get that out of the way. Then live twenty...
A strength isn't just something you're good at; it's only a strength if it literally gives you strength, gives you energy. In turn, a weakness is something that, though you may be good at it, drains the life out of you. If you are not sure...
Congestive Heart Failure patients often have limited exercise capacity even making movements for everyday living a struggle. Medications may help but often the effects are limited. In a study published in the January 5, 2016 edition of JAMA, a study found that weight loss of 7-10%...
Adverse reactions to over-the-counter supplements account for over 23,000 ER visits a year. Most of the problems are caused by OTC weight loss products that result in palpitations and chest pain. Be careful with products containing caffeine sources such as guarana, yerba mate, kola nut, and...